Friday, March 20, 2009

Disappointing isnt it?

Thanks for saying me a bad organizer.
try organizing it eh?
people not coming ≠ a bad organizer.
see my pissed off face today?
YES that face is for you.
today is total SHIT although 'Push' was nice.

Thanks daniel, for saving me from the COMA just now. (:
Thanks daniel, for the wonderful hug just now. (:
Thanks daniel, for the ride just now. (:
Thanks daniel, for being there when i'm totally not myself. (:
Thanks daniel, for being such a nice person. (:
Thanks daniel, for everything just now. :D
i want to ride your bikeeeeeeeee again.

P.S : YOU almost couldnt see me anymore.
lucky my lovelove stopped me from crossing the road just now.
if not. . . . . . . . . . )':