Joanne is here to blog. :D
Lets see i did something on the 24th.
Oh yes, baby went out and i was supposed to meet biker.
ass man, he pangseh me sia.
WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i super sad lor! D:
what sia, like that ps. ):
after school pei Shermeen cut hair then headed home. :D
i thought i would be mapling when i get home.
reached home at 2, saw my sister and knew God didnt want me to play maple. :D
so i went luch with sister and went marketing for sister's weekend trip.
stocked up my food at home and headed home in big bags. :/
bought cup noodles, sweets, titbits, etc.
mapled after that. :D
25th; saturday.
plan : meet baby and rena go study.
back-up plan : MAPLE.
yes, since the plan failed so we followed back-up plan.
plan wasnt suppose to fail.
but baby and i was superrrrrrrrrr addicted to maple.
so we mapled all day?
i think i mapled for a total of 8 or 9 hours (excluding breaks)
slept at 2 plus, mapling plus waiting for friend to be home safely. ):
i cannot maple anymore!
i must must study for mye. D:
mye no big deal but bobian, must get pass if not no motivation for o levels!
Jiayou Joanne and every schoolers oh! :D
26th; sunday.
plan : church then study.
slept at 2 plus the previous night so, everyone was super lazy to get up.
including rena cos she slept at 12 plus. D:
sorry xuaan and colin, next time will go! :D
met up with baby and rena plus rena's love at bm mac.
stupid CHJ, ass man!
keep sayng some nonsensical stuffs which totally make me diao him.
zz, please la CHJ.
hahah, i will expose it all out.
all the candid ones, the intimate ones, etc.
hahah, the most hilarious one is the ez-link card. xP
hahah, dont make me do it oh! :D
home-d at 5 plus.
slept and dinner-ed.
now online plus chatting with eviltwinnnnnnn.
hahah. dont know promise how many times already. ):
this time is real.
( Caption : combined heritage trail 2007. )
this is HILARIOUS.
a little blur but never mind.
i circled these few people's face :
Paul, Huiling, Joanne (me), HanQuan, HonXuaan and Colin.
I've got something to say.
2007 when i was still in sec 2, i only know Huiling.
and she is those super ass plus everytime pon cca with her 'bestbud'.
like oh-so-retarded.
and at that time, i dont even know Paul, HanQuan, HonXuaan and Colin EXISTED
Oh man! this is crap can!
like super funny?
the heritage 2007 was like so not fun.
look at the 2008 de, SUPER FUN okay.
cos i got to know those few guys there.
hahah, and i pumped this little boy like crazy. :D
okay thats all for today.
i know i know, i crap super alot today. :D