Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Exams = Stress = Sick

Oh manzxzxzxzxzzxz! D:
Exams in 2 days. . .
But i thought i thought i thought it was a month away? D:
Indeed, time FLIES! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
Dang! fly flying and flew. ):
I started studying, a little only.
Not sufficient to actually take the exam. D:
I want more time can?
Okay, i know you wont grant me. D:
O levels this year, got to buck up!
Heeeeeeeeeee, i saw many funny things at people's blog. :D
Superrrrrrrrrrrrr funny!
Eh, now i'm going to stop all vulgarities.
Like so act lian lor. -.-
But, sometimes really bobian so that cannot blame me!
I've got something to say.
Fxck is not a vulgarity.
It is a word used to Joanne to show how she feels at that point of time. :D

Lesson today.
Was up earlier than usual cos of the thunder that strikes early in the morning. D:
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh, damn it man!
Assembly in class today.
Hilarious! All teachers were having meetings with principal except Mr Vincent Chia.
He was walking around.
My class goes SUPER crazy and playful when there's no teacher.
We were SO-NOT-SERIOUS with the national anthem and pledge.
Halfway, Mr Chia suddenly screamed from NA block.
Wah, my whole class started singing the national anthem loudly.
HAHAH, super funny lor!
I really could not stop laughing.
I must am chio some more. D:
Poa, totally knocked out. :x
Chinese was funnnnnnnnnnnnn. :D
I pranked Mrs Seetoh. :D
She's superrrrrrrr cute.
Hahah. :D

After school stayed in school to study.
Joanne's a good girl. :P
I think we ended up playing and joking plus going superrrrrrr high.
Badminton was funnnnnnnnnn.
Energy drain-er manxzxzxzx!
Dead tired when i reached home. D:

Oh, i declare i'm somehow sick. D:
Down with a slight fever.
Relax, not Pig Flu. -.-
Might not go school tmr.

Ps, you aint what you were previously. D: