I think i need help.
I cant seem to do my workkkkkkk properly.
And i cant seem to even start studying.
O levels are coming, why dont i feel any stress?
I really need someone to make me study.
You know those that will sit there and study with me.
And if i play the person will ask me study. D:
Urgently looking for one! D:
I think ISP is very funnnnn.
I think my teacher is very funny.
I know its bad but oh well.
The whole class is eating sweets and i am busy sms-ing people. :D
I feel so honggggggggggggg. D:
I feel lostttttttttttttt.
And i dislike a person in my guildddddddd.
Scold for all i care. -.-
A way of seeking attention, a way of telling me he is very humji.
A way of telling me he's still young mentally.